Literature for AML Officers

Literature for AML Officers

Dive into the vast world of AML at, where we provide extensive resources on influential organizations in the AML sector:

  • FATF: The global watchdog setting AML and CTF standards, influential in policy-making.
  • Egmont Group: Facilitates international cooperation and information exchange among FIUs.
  • Wolfsberg Group: Comprising major international banks, it focuses on developing AML guidelines for the financial sector.
  • FIUs: National bodies crucial in collecting and analyzing financial data to combat AML/CTF.
  • World Bank: Offers expertise in developing effective AML strategies globally.
  • European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA, ESMA): Key regulators in the EU, ensuring AML compliance across member states.
  • Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) at BIS: Develops regulatory standards for banking, crucial for AML frameworks.
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: Provides global leadership in combating illicit drugs and international crime.
  • National Competent Authorities: Like BaFin, FMA, and FINMA, vital in enforcing AML regulations locally.
  • FCA: Oversees the UK’s financial markets, playing a significant role in AML regulation.