Dynamic Risk Assessment Tool
Why should you consider a „Dynamic Risk Assessment Tool“?
You should consider a Dynamic Risk Assessment Tool to …
- use data with greater depth and richness updated dynamically to reflect the latest investigative insights.
- identify financial crime risk at a faster pace and with less unproductive alerts.
- create more accurate and sophisticated assessment of customer risk.
A Dynamic Risk Assessment Tool cloud use capabilities to centralise and process data at scale.
It could include new techniques, including machine learning, to identify financial crime risk through:
- Incorporating existing knowledge on financial crime typologies and suspicious activity.
- Looking at an entity’s transactional and social links to other entities with suspicious or confirmed adverse characteristics.
- Quantifying (or capturing) an entity’s abnormal behaviour with respect to peer groups of similar characteristics.
- Quantifying (or capturing) an entity’s abnormal behaviour with respect to its own historical behaviour.